Educational opportunities are offered for people of all ages.
Bible Intergenerational Gathering–BING
The centerpiece of Christian Education at King of Kings is BING, which stands for Bible Intergenerational Gathering. BING meets each Sunday during the school year from 10:00 to 10:45 am. It’s designed for all ages, and pre-school and kindergarten children spend part of the time in their own classroom. Children, youth, young adults, and adults all learn together, hearing and discussing Bible stories, singing, doing crafts or other activities, and praying and blessing one another.
Adult Bible Study
Bible Study meets every Thursday at 10:00am in the library; students read and discuss the Scriptures assigned for the following Sunday. You may come weekly or as your schedule allows.
Adult Classes
Other classes are scheduled as interest arises. Recently, classes have included catechism review, end-of-life issues and world hunger awareness. In the summer, a six-week series is offered after worship on a topic of current concern, such as “Global Religions” or “Women and Violence”.
New Members
New Member classes are offered periodically. Please speak to the Pastor if interested in joining King of Kings as a member or learning more about the Lutheran expression of Christian faith.
Youth in seventh and eighth grade prepare for the Rite of Confirmation by attending classes twice a month and participating in service events and retreats and sharing their talents in worship, Christian Education, or Social Ministry.
Youth in fourth-twelfth grade are invited to Lutheran Youth Organization, which meets for fun, fellowship, and service.
See above for more information. Bible Intergenerational Gathering—BING.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Held annually with a new theme every year. All children are welcome.
Safe Church
King of Kings is a “Safe Church”. We have a Safe Church Team that oversees our efforts to make King of Kings a safe place for all. Our Safe Church policy is available, in digital form, upon request. All staff and volunteers must comply with this policy.