COVID PROTOCOLS FOR INDOOR WORSHIP (revised 2/9/2025 based on latest mandates)
These protocols are subject to change at any time based on information received from Bishop Egensteiner, the Orange County Health Department, the Governor of NY, or the CDC.
Temperatures are no longer taken; no COVID exposure or vaccination questions are asked.
Wearing masks inside the church is now optional.
Anyone who chooses to wear a mask may do so without judgment.
Hand sanitizer and masks are available from the Greeter.
Take a bulletin. You may place an offering on the offering plate in the entry area.
All pews are open for sitting. Social distancing is still encouraged. Families may sit together.
The service begins when the pianist starts the prelude; please cease conversing and listen silently.
The lector speaks liturgical responses; the cantor sings hymns. Worshippers may speak or sing responses softly.
When sharing the peace, offer a smile or a hand signal, but do not touch.
NEW PROTOCOL FOR COMMUNION: After the pastor says, “The Body of Christ, given for you; the Blood of Christ, shed for you,” either come forward or remain in your pew.
1. Congregants come forward via the middle aisle at the direction of the Usher and choose their prepackaged elements (wafer only, gluten-free wafer, wafer/wine, wafer/grape juice) from the table on the right at the head of the pew, stand while the pastor says, “The Body of Christ, the Blood of Christ, for you,” and then: EITHER proceed via the side aisle to the pew to consume them; OR move to the altar railing to stand or kneel, consume the elements, return to the pew via the side aisle. Congregants dispose of the packaging in the receptacle at the side of the chancel or in the pew.
2. Congregants remain in the pew and raise a hand when the pastor approaches. The pastor offers a choice of prepackaged elements (wafer only, gluten-free wafer, wafer/wine, wafer/grape juice) with the words, “The Body of Christ, the Blood of Christ, for you.” Congregants dispose of the packaging in the receptacle at the side of the chancel or in the pew.
You may exit through the same door you entered; no more one-way flow.
Please refrain from talking during the postlude so it is not heard on the live stream. Please have your post-worship discussions outside the Sanctuary.
Following worship, maintain social distancing while departing until you are outside.
Temperatures are no longer taken; no COVID exposure or vaccination questions are asked.
Those who are not vaccinated are requested to wear a mask.
Hand sanitizer and masks are available from the Greeter.
Take a bulletin and communion elements (grape juice or wine).
A receptacle is available for offerings.
The congregation may speak and sing hymns and liturgical responses.